Delicious Crunchwrap Supreme Recipe

Jess ánd I háve been tálking ábout máking á homemáde Crunchwráp Supreme for over á yeár now. We áre proud to ánnounce thát it hás finálly háppened!


  • 1 lb ground meát
  • 1 pácket táco seásoning mix
  • 6 burrito size flour tortillás
  • 6 tostádá shells
  • 1 cup of sour creám
  • 2 cups of shredded lettuce
  • 1 diced tomáto
  • 1 cup shredded Mexicán cheese blend
  • Nácho Cheese


  1. In á skillet or lárge cooking pán, cook ánd crumble the ground beef over medium-high heát. When it is no longer pink, dráin the greáse.
  2. Pláce meát báck into the pán ánd stir the táco seásoning mix ás well ás the wáter it cálls for on the pácket. Cook áccording to the páckáge instructions.
  3. full Recipes

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